As the River Flows | 6-Way Joint Crisis

The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. Known for its biodiversity, it harbors ten percent of the world’s known species. This vast region spans multiple countries in South America, including Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru. The Amazon River, which flows through the forest, comprises hundreds of waterways and stretches over 6,840 km. Additionally, approximately 400-500 indigenous tribes call the Amazon home, with some believed to be uncontacted tribes. The Amazon serves as a vital lifesource for more than 47 million people living along its riverbanks and basin. Despite its importance, the Amazon has faced severe degradation in recent years. Issues such as pollution of waterways, mining activities, and increased urbanization are threatening the forest’s ecosystem. The current rate of deforestation is pushing towards an irreversible tipping point. As a delegate in this joint crisis committee, your responsibility is to collaborate with delegates from your own and other countries' cabinets to find solutions and prevent further damage to the Amazon. Without you, a climate catastrophe awaits the world.