At AmeriMUNC, our simulation is unlike any other. AmeriMUNC is the only high school conference to host a completely interconnected crisis simulation that is centered around one region of the world. In our simulation, every committee exists in a single universe, meaning that any action taken by one committee, no matter big or small, can affect every other committee in our conference! Whether it be a crisis note from the Minister of Education in Brazil or a resolution passed by the UN Security Council, every delegate will be working as one to solve geopolitical challenges throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Our staff is award-winning, literally. AmeriMUNC is staffed by members of our competitive Model United Nations team, which has dominated the collegiate circuit, placing number one in North America. In the past ten years, our team has risen from number 75 to its current place at number one in the rankings and has gained notoriety as one of the most prestigious collegiate Model UN programs in the country. From AmeriMUNC’s pre-conference workshops to our chairs and crisis staffers, your delegates will be taught by the best in the nation.

As the clock strikes midnight on Saturday night of conference weekend, delegates in one of the AmeriMUNC committees will be woken up and escorted by AmeriMUNC staff to a “secret” location to resolve a major global crisis that requires their urgent attention. Our midnight simulation is just another way that we as a conference give our delegates the most realistic experience of what public officials and diplomats go through when addressing global challenges.