Non-Traditional | Specialized | Single Delegate

Knowledge is power. This saying serves as both a guiding principle and enduring motivator for the work of journalists across the world. After all, journalistic freedom is an integral element of a functional and enduring democracy, with thorough investigations by impartial media outlets enabling a public to hold its government accountable for poor conduct. Nevertheless, as rapidly evolving technology like generative AI and large language models have made disinformation even harder to detect in recent years, the truths that journalists relentlessly pursue have become more obscured than ever. In an increasingly interconnected world, it is critical to maintain a media landscape wherein people (online and offline alike) can access information that is credible, insightful, and timely. This is the responsibility that delegates in the Press Corps will assume as they draft and publish reports on the hottest developments from AmeriMUNC XII’s other 21 committees—reports that are shrewd, engaging and, most importantly, empowering