General Assembly | Combatting Organized Crime | Single Delegate
The nations of the Americas are all inextricably linked; geographically and, more importantly, through a common understanding of what it means to cooperate. This has remained the case over the past few decades, as the prevalence of criminal organizations has sharply increased. That is why the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has been asked to convene; to understand collective history, but also develop highly-tailored solutions to address the issue. As one of the United Nations most venerable and active bodies, the UNODC will be tasked with creating a comprehensive resolution that addresses drugs, organized crime, corruption, and terrorism while also promoting health, security, and justice. Likewise, in addition to working together to address how the Americas and the Caribbean are uniquely impacted by these challenges and goals. delegates will also debate the nuance of the different ways that crime is both defined and addressed by the countries in attendance.